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aqumo facilities are based on state-of-the art technological platforms / Le infrastrutture di aqumo sono basate sulle tecnologie più evolute

Our infrastructure is distributed over different continents and conform to international quality standards (Tier 3: 99.982% guaranteed availability). Our facility is fully redundant with all major subsystems configured for N+1 active/active operation and it is endowed with redundant equipment for power and network connection and for strict security controls for both physical entries and network access. aqumo hosting service supports multiple platforms and diversified vendor hardware systems, thus meeting all customers’ needs in terms of performance and reliability. We constantly monitor subsystems usage and pre-emptively increase capacity so that possible surges in demand may not affect operations. Regular checks and performance tests guarantee that both active and stand-by equipment are functioning at all times. Any system feature affecting power supply, cooling or bandwidth has been designed to be fault resilient. Each component of our infrastructure can be individually and independently turned off for maintenance, so that all upkeep may be carried out with no consequences for the rest of the equipment.

